Catalyst™ Add-On Experience: Everything DiSC® Management


Everything DiSC Management on Catalyst prepares anyone in a management role to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people – from anywhere. It combines DiSC with personalized management insights to help learners adapt their approach to each direct report, improving their management effectiveness in real-time. Everything DiSC Management is available within the Catalyst system as a 10-credit add-on to the Everything DiSC Workplace experience*. Learners will:

  • Discover their DiSC management style

  • Develop a set of core management skills that are essential in the modern workplace

  • Gain actionable strategies for adapting their management style to each person they manage

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Note: This is an add-on to the BASE EXPERIENCE: Everything DiSC® Workplace (Sold Separately)

Catalyst™ Add-On Experience: Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
Catalyst™ Base Experience: Everything DiSC® Workplace