Catalyst™ Base Experience: Everything DiSC® Workplace


Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ is a personal development learning experience that equips people with the social and emotional know-how for more effective interactions at work—no matter who or where they are.

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The result is a lasting impact. When learners use Everything DiSC on Catalyst, the hard work of long-lasting behavior change is possible…even fun. When organizations use Everything DiSC on Catalyst, they foster a more engaged, collaborative, and adaptive culture that drives results. By combining our proven DiSC model with flexible facilitation and a powerful learning platform, Everything DiSC on Catalyst helps people:

  • Better understand themselves

  • Appreciate and value differences in perspective and approach

  • Readily and consistently adapt to the unique needs of each person or situation they encounter

The Everything DiSC on Catalyst Experience


Each Everything DiSC on Catalyst learning experience starts with our best-selling Everything DiSC Workplace application. From there, learners can continue their DiSC journey with Agile EQ™ or Management



Everything DiSC Workplace®

Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst takes the best-selling Everything DiSC Workplace experience to the next level. Designed to build more effective relationships at work, Workplace on Catalyst helps people adapt to others in real time. With this base experience, participants will:

  • Discover their DiSC® style

  • Deepen their understanding of self and others

  • Learn how to build better relationships

  • Access real-time tips for more effective interactions with colleagues

  • Build the foundation for future social and emotional skills training



Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™

Everything DiSC Agile EQ develops the emotional intelligence necessary to support what organizations need most right now—a thriving, agile culture. By combining the personalized insights of DiSC with active emotional intelligence development, participants learn to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. Agile EQ participants will: • Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions • Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them • Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations


Everything DiSC® Management

Everything DiSC Management on Catalyst prepares anyone in a management role to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people – from anywhere. It combines DiSC with personalized management insights to help learners adapt their approach to each direct report, improving their management effectiveness in real time. Everything DiSC Management is available within the Catalyst system as a 10-credit add-on to the Everything DiSC Workplace experience*. Learners will:

  • Discover their DiSC management style

  • Develop a set of core management skills that are essential in the modern workplace

  • Gain actionable strategies for adapting their management style to each person they manage

Catalyst™ Add-On Experience: Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
Catalyst™ Add-On Experience: Everything DiSC® Management